Little Free Food Pantry
WCL Little Free Food Pantry
The WCL food pantry is open and available to anyone who needs it.
Take what you need, donate what you can.
(Food availability is based on community donations.)
Want to donate? Not sure what to bring?
Here are some great items to add to our pantry!
Canned goods and pasta are ALWAYS welcome!
- Shelf stable milk (canned or boxed)
- Hygiene and basic first aid items like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, feminine hygiene items, diapers, band-aids etc.
- Dishwashing soap and laundry detergent
- Salt, pepper, sugar, flour, oil, and spices (Pantry staples!)
- Tea bags and instant coffee
- Canned fish, peanut butter, and other proteins
- Baby food / kid friendly food
- Cake mix and frosting, candy, snacks (Everyone deserves a treat!)
- Shelf-stable breakfast foods like oatmeal, canned fruit, applesauce and granola bars
- Pet food
- Clean reusable grocery bags in good condition