Getting a Library Card
Warrenton Community Library serves citizens of the Warrenton area.
We also issue temporary cards for visitors and cards for eligible members of the ROCC program.
With your Warrenton Community Library Card you can check out books both in person and online at Astoria Public Library, Seaside Public Library or Warrenton Community Library.
Resident cards are free to all persons living within Warrenton City Limits.
Out of Town, Out of Town Limited and Temporary cards are available to visitors for a fee.
$18 for a three month period
$35 for a six month period
$70 for a twelve month period

ROCC Program Information
Individuals under the age of 20 who reside in areas of Clatsop County not served by a public library, may apply for a free library card through the Reading Outreach in Clatsop County (ROCC program). Sign your child up for a ROCC card by going to your nearest public library.

Library Card Information
All residents of the city of Warrenton may apply for a free library card by coming to the library!
Please bring a picture ID and proof of your address (i.e. a piece of mail) Click here to print a library card application.

NorthWest Library Cooperative
If you live outside of the city limits of Warrenton (usually if your address is five or more numbers you are out of our taxing district), you are also welcome to sign up for a card. As part of the Northwest Library Cooperative between the Astoria Public Library, the Seaside Public Library and the Warrenton community library, the cost is $70 a year. If you want access to Warrenton items only, the cost is $10.